Health Information

Emergency Information: It is vital that the school have the phone numbers for parents and other emer- gency numbers in case we cannot reach you. Please notify the main office immediately if there is a change in address, phone number, or emer- gency numbers. It is very difficult to care for an ill child when no one can be reached. If your child has a chronic condition (asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, etc.), please make sure the school nurse is informed of the specific emergency procedure for your child.

Health Records: Each child was issued a health record when they entered Pre-K or Kindergarten. This record is part of their cumulative school record for the duration of their school years. It is very important that all information is accurate and up to date. Whenever there is an important change in your child’s health status (asthma diagnosis, diabetes, fractures, surgery, etc.), or if your child has been placed on long-term medication, please call and let the school nurse know so this can be added to their record. When a student graduates from high school, this health record, in regards to immunizations and health issues, is an important source of information for them, as many colleges, employers, and the military require immuniza- tion information.
Immunizations (see inset): Varicella (chickenpox): since school year 2007, the state of Maine required all children in K-12 to provide either proof/certificate of immunization for Varicella or proof from a physician that your child has had the illness. If your child receives immunizations (beyond the minimum requirement), at any time, and you provide the certificate of immunization to the school, it will be added to your child’s health record. According to the state of Maine, if a parent opposes immunization of their child for any vaccine (including Varicella) because of sincere religious belief or for philosophical reasons, this must be stated in writing each year.

Medications: The administration of medications, including both prescription (requiring doctor/dentist order) and/or over the counter (non- prescription) is permitted only when failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student. If a student needs to take medication while in school please request a Permission to Administer Medication at School form from the school. Read the form very carefully and follow all guidelines before any medication may be administered. The medication must be in the original container and should be brought in by the parent. Only enough medication for one month (20 days) should be brought to school. All medications must be stored in the locked cabinet in the main office/clinic.

1. Inhalers and Epi-Pens may be carried by students only if the medication permission forms are completed and appropriate use has been demonstrated to the school nurse. The student must have their epi-pens for field trips, and/or out- door school activities/classes.

2. If you would like your child to have acetaminophen (Tylenol), a written parental permission form must be signed annually.

Illness: If a student becomes ill at school and it is necessary for him/her to go home, a parent or emergency person will be contacted either by the school nurse, office, or teacher. If a student becomes ill at home and the illness will require several days absence, please notify the school. If the student becomes ill with a communicable disease (chickenpox, etc.) please let us know. Please do not send your child to school with fever, vomiting, congested cough, undiagnosed rash, suspected “pink eye”, etc. Please provide the school with a written physician note if they were sent home with question of a communicable disease (strep throat, skin rash, etc.) and when they are permitted to return to school.

Head Lice: If a student has eggs, the parents are called and a treatment plan is discussed with the nurse. If a student has live lice, the student’s parents are called to pick up the child and a treatment plan is dis- cussed with the nurse. Students with lice may not return to school until the school nurse or designated school official has checked to be sure the lice have been treated. If a family has experienced chronic lice, the nurse will check the student more frequently to be sure the student is clear. Teachers can recommend a student be checked for lice if they are observing excessive head scratching. Full classroom checks are only conducted if the class is experiencing several outbreaks and excessive absences are occurring.