For all Scholarships (current or new)

For all Scholarships:


If it is a scholarship that has an e-mail address attached to it, please send the e-mail address to your school counselor (along with name of scholarship) and we will e-mail the official transcript and letter of recommendation and you can e-mail your application directly.


If there is not an e-mail and you received the scholarship from guidance, you can either take a picture of the completed scholarship application or scan it and send it to your school counselor in an e-mail  OR you can make a word document and put all the necessary info on the word document that the scholarship is asking and then send your school counselor the word doc and we will staple that onto a hard copy of the scholarship and send it off with transcript and counselor recommendation (and teacher recommendations if needed)


If any teacher recommendations are needed for scholarships, please alert your school counselor and let us know what scholarship it is and then have the teachers e-mail us the recommendations directly and we will send off either to the e-mail or to Mrs. St. Louis to mail out for you with your application.


IF you have ANY questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail or through our google form:

Or via text/call through Google Voice:  Mrs. Ketch: 207-370-7008   Mrs. Martell: 207-370-7252

We are working 10-2pm Mon-Fri this week and Mrs. St. Louis is in the office Mon, Wed & Fri (until noon) so plan accordingly

Link to Scholarships: